Since 1996, Dirk Swartenbroekx has made funky albums under the name Buscemi, one of his favorite actors. His groove is recognized worldwide, and his fame as a remixer too. Dirk is still in great demand as a DJ and played successful performances in more than 40 countries. During Failing Forward in Leuven, he will tell us more about the fuckups and the setbacks he has undergone during his career, and of course about what he learned from those disappointments.

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“Ik neem 6000 muzieknummers mee in een klein tasje”

Dirk Swartenbroekx, oftewel dj en muzikant Buscemi, houdt van elektronica en technische snufjes. Hij reist tegenwoordig een pak lichter omdat hij al die platenbakken niet meer moet meenemen. De USB-stick is zijn redding.

Read the full article and listen to the podcast on Radio 1 here