Bert Smits is one of the founders of ‘Tweeperenboom’, as an architect he also accompagnies organisations through rough and complex issues and transition processes. Bert is a social pedagogue and social entrepreneur. He also was part of the start of Levuur, a cooperative of participation experts. Beside that Bert is one of the faces behind ‘Schoolmakers’, a cooperative that accompagnies schools through learning and change processes. Lastly he is chairman of the educational innovation platform Mystery of Education.

Bert published e.g. ‘De Jeugd is Tegenwoordig’ (Lannoo Campus, 2011), ‘Leren uit de toekomst – aan de slag met scenario’s in het onderwijs’ (Lannoo Campus, 2013), en ‘Ik was tien in 2015’ (Lannoo Campus, 2015). He is a creative thinker and he is a driving spirit through difficult, tensive and even conflictual processes in organizations.